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Once upon a time, a brave little astronaut named Astro zoomed through the vastness of space. He was on a mission to explore a new planet, and he was very excited! As he floated past twinkling stars, Astro spotted a giant blue planet in the distance. He waved to it with his gloved hands, and the planet seemed to wave back!

Astro's spaceship was powered by stardust, so he could fly faster than the speed of light! He zipped past comets, giggled at funny-looking asteroids, and even met a friendly space alien with three eyes. When he finally reached the new planet, Astro was surprised. It was covered in shimmering, rainbow-colored crystals. He hopped out of his spaceship and carefully touched one of the crystals. It was so sparkly and beautiful! Astro had never seen anything like it before.

Suddenly, the crystal started to glow, and a little fairy popped out. She had wings that shimmered like the crystal, and she smiled at Astro. "Welcome to our planet!" she said. "We're so happy you came to visit." Astro was delighted. He spent the rest of the day exploring the crystal planet with his new fairy friend, learning about the magic of space. And as he floated back home, Astro knew that his adventure had just begun. He would never forget the wonder and magic of outer space, and he couldn't wait to explore more!