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Once upon a time, in a land where the sun always shone, lived a little birdie named Pip. Pip loved to play badminton, and he was the best player in the whole land! He had a special racket that shimmered like a rainbow, and a feather shuttlecock that flew faster than any wind.

One day, Pip was practicing his badminton skills when he saw a giant shadow swooping down from the sky. It was a fearsome dragon, with scales like emeralds and eyes like burning coals! The dragon had heard of Pip's amazing skills and challenged him to a game of badminton. If Pip won, the dragon would leave the land in peace. If he lost, the dragon would rule the land with an iron fist!

Pip was scared, but he remembered his love for the game. He took a deep breath and stepped onto the badminton court. The dragon roared and swooped down, sending a fiery shuttlecock towards Pip! But Pip was quick. He swung his rainbow racket and sent the shuttlecock soaring back at the dragon! The dragon roared in anger, but it was no match for Pip's incredible skills. He flew across the court, weaving in and out of the dragon's attacks, with his feather shuttlecock flying faster than a shooting star.

Finally, Pip managed to hit a powerful smash, sending the shuttlecock straight into the dragon's open mouth! The dragon coughed and sputtered, then let out a defeated roar before flying away. Pip had won! The people cheered and rejoiced, and Pip became a legend, known throughout the land for his bravery and skill. From that day forward, Pip continued to play badminton, sharing his love for the game with everyone who wanted to learn.