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Once upon a time, in a meadow filled with sunshine and sweet-smelling flowers, lived a little butterfly named Flutter. Flutter had the most beautiful wings, a mix of sunshine yellow and sky blue, with sparkling, big, round eyes that looked like tiny pools of water.

One day, Flutter was flitting from flower to flower, sipping nectar, when she saw a little ladybug sitting sadly on a leaf. "What's wrong, little ladybug?" asked Flutter, her voice like the rustling of leaves.

"My spots are fading," cried the ladybug. "They used to be so bright and shiny, but now they're getting dull."

Flutter felt sorry for the ladybug. She wanted to help, but she didn't know how. "Don't worry," said Flutter. "I'll find a way to help you!"

Flutter flew all over the meadow, asking every creature she met for advice. The wise old owl hooted, "Try the dewdrop from the morning sun." The playful squirrels chirped, "Go to the rainbow and ask for a splash of color."

But nothing seemed to work. The ladybug's spots remained dull. Flutter felt discouraged, but she didn't give up. She looked at the ladybug's spots, then at her own beautiful wings, and an idea popped into her head.

She flew close to the ladybug and gently brushed her wings against the ladybug's spots. As she did, a sprinkle of magic from her wings fell on the ladybug's back. The spots started to shimmer and glow, brighter than ever before!

The ladybug was so happy, she cried out, "Thank you, Flutter! You saved my spots!"

And so, Flutter learned that sometimes, the most beautiful magic comes from the kindness in our hearts.