Cheerful Popsicle

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Once upon a time, in a land where the sun always shone bright, lived a cheerful popsicle named Pops. He loved nothing more than basking in the warm sunshine and wearing his favorite pink sunglasses. Pops was a very happy popsicle, always smiling and making friends with everyone he met. He would often dance around on his stick, spinning like a top, and singing silly songs about the sunshine and the summer breeze.

One day, while Pops was enjoying the warm weather, a little girl named Lily came running up to him. Lily was sad because she had lost her favorite toy, a small teddy bear named Teddy. "Oh no," she said, her eyes filled with tears. "I can't find Teddy anywhere!"

Pops, being a kind popsicle, wanted to help Lily find her lost toy. He asked Lily, "What does Teddy look like? Can you describe him to me?" Lily told Pops all about Teddy, how he had soft brown fur, a big black nose, and a button for an eye. Pops thought for a moment and then said, "Don't worry, Lily, I know just how to help!"

He took off his sunglasses and pointed his stick towards the sky. "Sunshine, sunshine, please lend me your light!" he cried. Suddenly, a bright beam of sunlight shot out from the sky and shone onto a small patch of grass behind Lily. And there, nestled under a bunch of leaves, was Teddy!

Lily was so happy she gave Pops a big hug. "Thank you, Pops! You're a true friend!" she exclaimed. Pops smiled brightly and said, "Always happy to help!" From that day on, Pops and Lily became the best of friends. Pops always reminded Lily to never stop smiling and to always lend a helping hand to those in need.