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In a meadow bathed in sunshine, lived a spirited horse named Sunny. Sunny had a coat as golden as the setting sun and a mane like flowing silk. She loved galloping through the fields, her hooves drumming a happy rhythm on the soft grass.

One sunny day, as Sunny grazed near a small red barn, she noticed a tiny creature hiding beneath a dandelion. It was a little fairy, with wings as delicate as gossamer and eyes that sparkled like dewdrops.

“Hello,” said Sunny, her voice as gentle as the breeze. “What are you doing here?”

The little fairy, whose name was Twinkle, looked up with a worried frown. "I've lost my magic wand," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "Without it, I can't fly back to my home in the Fairy Kingdom.”

Sunny, ever the kind and helpful horse, decided to help Twinkle find her wand. Together, they searched the meadow, Sunny sniffing the air with her keen nose and Twinkle fluttering about, her tiny wings leaving trails of shimmering dust.

Underneath a thick patch of clover, Sunny discovered a glint of silver. It was Twinkle's wand!

"Oh, thank you, Sunny!" exclaimed Twinkle, her eyes shining with joy. "You've saved me!" She waved her wand in the air, and a beautiful rainbow arced across the sky, a sign of her gratitude.

Sunny, proud and happy, watched as Twinkle flew away, her wings shimmering in the sunlight. From that day on, Sunny and Twinkle were the best of friends, sharing stories and adventures in the magical meadow.