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Once upon a time, in a meadow filled with wildflowers, lived a little bunny named Hazel. Hazel was a kind and curious bunny with big brown eyes and a fluffy white tail. She loved to hop and play in the sunshine, especially with her best friend, a little squirrel named Sammy.

One day, as Hazel was hopping through the meadow, she saw a beautiful, shimmering butterfly with wings as blue as the sky. Hazel had never seen a butterfly like this before, and she was instantly enchanted. She hopped towards the butterfly, hoping to get a closer look, but the butterfly flew away, flitting from flower to flower.

Hazel followed the butterfly, her heart filled with wonder, until she came to a clearing in the meadow. There, in the center of the clearing, stood a magnificent tree. Its branches reached up to the sky, and its leaves shimmered in the sunlight, like a thousand tiny jewels. Hazel had never seen a tree so beautiful before.

As she approached the tree, she heard a sweet, tinkling sound. She looked up and saw the blue butterfly perched on a branch, its wings fluttering gently. The butterfly looked at Hazel and smiled.

"Hello, little bunny," said the butterfly. "My name is Azure, and I am a magic butterfly."

Hazel's eyes widened in surprise. "A magic butterfly?" she said. "What kind of magic can you do?"

Azure smiled again. "I can grant wishes," she said. "But you must be careful what you wish for."

Hazel thought for a moment. She wanted to wish for something special, something that would make her happy. Finally, she said, "I wish to be able to fly like you, Azure!"

Azure giggled. "A wonderful wish, little bunny," she said. "Close your eyes and make a wish."

Hazel closed her eyes and wished with all her heart to be able to fly. When she opened her eyes, she felt a strange sensation. Her paws felt light and tingly, and her ears felt as if they were about to take flight. She looked down and saw that her paws had transformed into delicate wings, shimmering like the wings of Azure.

Hazel was overjoyed. She spread her wings and flew up into the sky, soaring above the meadow, with the wind in her fur and the sun on her face. She flew so high, she could see all the way to the mountains in the distance.

She flew all around the meadow, feeling free and happy, until she saw Sammy the squirrel below. He was looking up at her, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Hazel!" he called. "How did you learn to fly?"

Hazel flew down to where Sammy was sitting. "Azure the magic butterfly granted my wish," she said.

Sammy was amazed. "I wish I could fly too," he said.

Hazel smiled. "Maybe Azure will grant your wish too, Sammy," she said.

And so, Hazel and Sammy flew through the meadow together, laughing and playing in the sunshine. They flew so high, they could almost touch the clouds. And they knew, from that day forward, that anything was possible, if they believed in the magic of their hearts.