Dancing French Fries

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Once upon a time, in a land of delicious treats, there lived a happy Fry named Freddy. Freddy was always excited to be eaten, he loved making people smile with his crispy golden goodness.

One day, Freddy was sitting in his red and white striped box, feeling proud of his perfect, golden-brown shape. He was surrounded by his friends, other fries just like him, all eager to be part of a delicious meal.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew through the land of treats. It was so strong that Freddy and his friends were blown out of their box and scattered everywhere! They bounced and rolled, their crispy bodies tumbling over the red and white striped ground.

Freddy landed with a thump, his crispy exterior a bit dented from the fall. He looked around and saw his friends scattered all over, some even flying through the air! "Oh no!" he exclaimed, "we need to get back to our box before someone eats us all!"

Freddy knew he had to be brave. He looked at his friends, some of them worried, some even laughing, and he knew he could do it. He hopped and jumped, his crispy body bouncing along the striped ground. He called out to his friends, encouraging them to join him.

One by one, Freddy's friends gathered around him, their crispy bodies bouncing and rolling. Together, they made their way back to the red and white box, giggling and having fun along the way.

As they reached the box, Freddy felt a sense of relief. He knew they were safe now, ready to be enjoyed as a delicious treat. Freddy and his friends had learned a valuable lesson that day: even when things get a little bumpy, staying together and having fun makes everything better!