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Once upon a time, on a sunny farm, lived a little white chicken named Clucky. Clucky loved to strut around the farm, her bright red comb shining in the sun. She was very proud of her feathery tail, which she would wiggle back and forth like a little flag.

One day, Clucky was happily scratching for tasty bugs near the red barn when she spotted something shiny under the fence. It was a tiny, golden key! Clucky was curious. She had never seen a key like that before. It was so small she could barely hold it in her beak.

"This key is a bit too small for me," said Clucky to herself. "I wonder what it unlocks?"

Clucky looked around the farm. She tried the key in the barn door, but it didn't fit. She tried it on the henhouse, but no luck. Then, she saw it. A little wooden box, tucked away behind the red barn. It was old and dusty, but the keyhole was the perfect size for the tiny golden key.

With a gentle push, the box opened, revealing a beautiful golden egg that sparkled like a thousand stars! Clucky was amazed. She knew this special egg must be magic. She carefully picked it up and tucked it under her wing.

Clucky knew she had to keep the magical egg safe. So, she waddled over to the henhouse and laid it gently in the warmest corner. The henhouse became filled with a soft, golden glow, and the other chickens began to sing a sweet, happy tune. Clucky had brought a little bit of magic to the farm, and everyone was delighted.

From that day on, Clucky was known as the lucky chicken, and the magical egg became a precious treasure that brought joy and warmth to everyone on the farm.