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Once upon a time, in a land of rolling hills and golden fields, lived a kind farmer named Ben. Ben loved his farm more than anything. Every morning, he would wake up with the sun and greet his cows and sheep with a cheerful hello. He would then hop onto his trusty tractor, a sturdy machine that hummed with a gentle purr, and begin his daily work.

Ben worked hard tending to his crops, planting seeds with care and watering them with love. He knew that each little seed held the promise of delicious fruits and vegetables that would feed his family and the whole village.

One day, as Ben was driving his tractor through the field, he noticed something strange. The grass seemed to shimmer and sparkle, almost like it was covered in tiny diamonds. He stopped his tractor and got off, curious to see what was so special about this patch of grass. As he got closer, he saw that the grass was actually made of tiny, sparkling flowers that looked like little stars.

Ben was amazed. He had never seen flowers like these before. He gently touched one with his finger, and the flower lit up with a soft, warm glow. Ben knew that he had stumbled upon something magical.

From that day on, Ben's farm became known throughout the land as the "Garden of Stars." People would come from far and wide to admire the beautiful flowers and feel their magical glow. And Ben, the kind farmer who had discovered them, became known as the "Guardian of the Stars."