Friendly Doctor

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Once upon a time, in a sunny and cheerful clinic, Dr. Ben, with a warm smile and kind eyes, sat patiently waiting for his next patient. He had a stethoscope around his neck, a symbol of his important job, helping people feel better.

Suddenly, the door opened with a gentle creak, and in walked a young girl named Lily. She was a little nervous, but also curious to see what Dr. Ben was like. Lily had heard so many wonderful stories about him.

"Hello, Lily," Dr. Ben said, his voice as soothing as a gentle breeze. "How are you feeling today?" Lily told Dr. Ben that she had a small tickle in her throat and a cough that just wouldn't go away.

Dr. Ben listened carefully, and then he reached for a special stethoscope that played a magical tune. He listened to Lily's chest, and the magical stethoscope whispered secrets only doctors could understand.

"Don't worry, Lily," Dr. Ben said with a reassuring smile. "We can make that tickle disappear with a little bit of magic." Dr. Ben wrote a prescription for a sweet-tasting medicine, and told Lily to rest and drink lots of water.

Lily left the clinic feeling much better, her cough already sounding less noisy. She learned that day that sometimes, even the smallest problems can be solved with a little bit of magic, a kind doctor, and a good dose of care.