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Once upon a time, in a land where the grass was as green as emeralds, lived a tiny, brave little squirrel named Squeaky. Squeaky loved nothing more than playing golf on the rolling green hills. He'd use acorns as his golf balls and a sturdy stick as his club, swinging with all his might.

One sunny afternoon, Squeaky was practicing his swing when he saw a giant, white ball, bigger than his whole body, lying on the green. He'd never seen anything like it before! "What's that?" he squeaked, his eyes wide with wonder. "Is that a giant acorn?"

Suddenly, a gentle breeze blew across the green, making the giant ball roll towards a hole at the end of the green. Squeaky watched in amazement. The giant ball rolled slowly and smoothly, getting closer and closer to the hole.

Then, just as it looked like it was going to fall in, the ball stopped! It was just a few inches away from the hole! Squeaky knew he had to help. He scurried over to the ball, jumped on top, and pushed it with all his might. With a little push and a big squeal, the ball fell into the hole!

Squeaky had scored a hole-in-one! He was so happy he jumped up and down, his tiny tail wagging with delight. From that day on, Squeaky became known as the greatest golfer in the land. And he learned that even the smallest of creatures can achieve big things with a little bit of bravery and a whole lot of heart.