Happy Cupcake

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Once upon a time, in a land where candy clouds floated and lollipops grew on trees, lived a very special cupcake named Cutie-Pie. Cutie-Pie wasn't just any cupcake; he had a big, bright smile that could light up the whole land!

Cutie-Pie loved to sing and dance, especially when the sun was shining. He'd twirl around his own cupcake stand, singing his favorite song, "I'm the sweetest treat you'll ever meet!" But one day, a grumpy cloud named Gloom came along. Gloom was so unhappy, he made all the sunshine disappear and covered the land in a dark, gloomy fog.

Cutie-Pie's smile faded. He couldn't sing, he couldn't dance, and the land was no longer a place of happiness. He missed the sunshine and all the happy faces that used to smile at him. So, Cutie-Pie decided to do something about it!

He gathered all the other yummy treats - the candies, the cookies, and even the lollipops - and together they sang a song so sweet, it made Gloom's heart melt. The fog lifted, the sunshine returned, and Cutie-Pie's smile shone brighter than ever before.

From that day on, everyone remembered the lesson Cutie-Pie taught them: even when things are gloomy, a little bit of kindness and sweetness can always bring back the sunshine!