Heart-shaped Balloon

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Once upon a time, in a land where clouds floated like fluffy cotton candy, lived a happy heart balloon named Ruby. Ruby loved to float high in the sky, watching the world go by. She'd giggle with the wind, and wave to the birds as they soared past.

One day, as Ruby drifted along, she spotted a little girl with a sad face. The girl was sitting on a bench, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"What's wrong, little one?" Ruby asked gently, her voice like the rustling of leaves.

"I lost my favorite teddy bear," the girl sobbed, wiping her eyes. "He's my best friend, and I don't know where he could be."

Ruby, with her big, kind heart, wanted to help. "Don't worry, little one," she said, bobbing up and down. "I'll help you find him."

Ruby floated lower and lower, and asked the clouds if they had seen the teddy bear. "We saw a little bear drift away on the wind," said a fluffy cloud. "He was heading towards the rainbow!"

Ruby knew exactly where to go. She soared through the sky, following the rainbow's bright colors, until she saw the little teddy bear floating near a rainbow's end.

Ruby gently nudged the bear, and it tumbled back towards the girl. The little girl was so happy to see her teddy bear again! She hugged him tight and thanked Ruby for her help.

Ruby, filled with joy, drifted back into the sky, knowing that she had made someone's day brighter. And from that day on, she vowed to always be there to help those in need, because even a little heart balloon can make a big difference in the world.