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Once upon a time, in a land where justice was as bright as the sun, there lived a wise and kind judge named Mrs. Willow. Mrs. Willow was known for her gentle smile and her fair decisions. She always listened carefully to everyone who came to her court, trying to understand their stories and make things right.

Mrs. Willow had a special courtroom, where she sat in a big, comfortable chair, wearing a long black robe. Next to her, on a table made of polished wood, lay a stack of books and a wooden gavel. The gavel was very special because it was enchanted by a tiny fairy who whispered wisdom and justice into its wood.

One sunny morning, two squirrels, Squeaky and Nutsy, came to Mrs. Willow's court. Squeaky had found a beautiful acorn, but Nutsy claimed it was his. Both squirrels argued and argued, their tiny voices squeaking with anger.

Mrs. Willow listened patiently, her kind eyes looking at each squirrel in turn. Then, she tapped the enchanted gavel, making a gentle "thump". "Let's hear what happened," she said in her soft voice.

Squeaky told his story, his whiskers twitching nervously. Nutsy told his side of the tale, his tail twitching with frustration. Mrs. Willow listened carefully to both squirrels.

When they were finished, she took a deep breath and said, "I understand both of you, but the acorn belongs to the forest. It is for all creatures to share, and not for hoarding."

She tapped the gavel again, this time to signal the end of the case. Squeaky and Nutsy, surprised by Mrs. Willow's decision, looked at each other. They realized that Mrs. Willow was right. The acorn was a gift from the forest for everyone to enjoy.

Together, they went outside and buried the acorn under a big oak tree, hoping it would grow into a strong and healthy tree, bringing joy to all the creatures in the forest.

And so, thanks to Mrs. Willow's wise judgment and the magical gavel, the squirrels learned a valuable lesson about sharing and the importance of respecting nature's gifts. From that day on, Squeaky and Nutsy became the best of friends, sharing everything they found in the forest with their fellow creatures.