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Once upon a time, on a cliff overlooking the sparkling blue sea, stood a charming lighthouse with a red roof. It was the home of a brave little lighthouse keeper named Lily. Lily loved her job, especially when the sun began to set and the sky turned into a beautiful mix of orange, pink, and purple.

Every night, Lily would climb to the top of the lighthouse and light its bright beacon. The light from the lighthouse would shine across the water, guiding ships safely through the dark.

One evening, as Lily lit the beacon, she noticed a tiny, sparkling light dancing on the water below. As she watched, it grew bigger and bigger until it turned into a beautiful, silver seahorse.

The seahorse swam closer and closer until it reached Lily's feet. It spoke in a tiny, squeaky voice, "Hello, Lily. I am Silver, and I need your help. I have lost my way and cannot find my way back to my family."

Lily was kind and brave, so she promised to help Silver. She took Silver inside the lighthouse and made him a warm, cozy bed in the lamp room. She told him that if he stayed there all night, she would find his family in the morning.

The next morning, Lily took Silver to the edge of the cliff and pointed towards a large group of seahorses in the water below. Silver's eyes lit up with joy, and he thanked Lily for helping him find his way home. He gave Lily a small, shimmering pearl as a gift and then swam down to join his family.

Lily watched as Silver disappeared into the water, her heart filled with happiness. She knew that the lighthouse wasn't just a place for her to live, but also a safe haven for those in need. And that's how Lily, the brave lighthouse keeper, continued to guide ships and help all creatures, big and small, who needed her help.