Weird monkey

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Once upon a time, in a land filled with sunshine and laughter, lived a mischievous monkey named Mika. Mika had the biggest, brightest smile you ever did see, with teeth as white as pearls and lips as red as juicy strawberries.

Mika loved to play tricks, but he always had a kind heart. One day, while swinging through the trees, he spotted a little bird with a broken wing, chirping sadly on a branch. Mika's big smile softened with concern. He gently carried the bird to his cozy treehouse, made from a giant, hollowed-out log, and carefully wrapped its wing with a soft leaf.

He hummed a happy tune as he fed the bird juicy berries and whispered stories about his adventures. Mika knew the bird needed rest, so he stayed with it all day, sharing his laughter and playful antics.

When the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and purple, Mika looked at the bird. Its wing felt stronger, and its chirps were filled with gratitude. Mika's heart swelled with joy. He knew he had done something good, and his own smile grew even wider. The bird, now healed, soared into the sky, singing a cheerful song as it flew away.

Mika, still smiling, watched the bird disappear into the sunset. He knew that day, he had not only helped a friend in need but also discovered a new kind of joy – the joy of helping others. And so, Mika continued his adventures, his heart filled with kindness and his smile brighter than ever before.