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Once upon a time, nestled at the foot of a majestic mountain range, stood a cozy cottage with a bright red roof. The mountains, with their peaks dusted with snow, seemed to watch over the little house, their snowy crowns gleaming in the sunshine. A sparkling river, like a silver ribbon, flowed gently past the cottage, singing a happy tune as it tumbled over smooth stones.

The cottage belonged to a kind old woman named Elsie. Elsie lived a simple life, surrounded by nature's beauty. Every morning, she would step out of her door, breathe in the fresh mountain air, and greet the sun with a smile. She loved to spend her days tending to her small garden, where flowers of every color bloomed, their fragrance carried on the gentle breeze.

One day, as Elsie was tending her flowers, she heard a tiny voice whisper, "Please, kind lady, may I have a little water?" Looking around, she saw a tiny, shimmering creature sitting on a leaf. It was a little fairy, no bigger than Elsie's thumb, with wings like stained glass and eyes that sparkled like dewdrops. Elsie, never one to refuse a creature in need, filled a small shell with water and offered it to the fairy. "Thank you, kind lady," the fairy chirped, taking a sip of water. "I am grateful for your kindness. Now, I must go." With a final flutter of her wings, the fairy flew away, leaving Elsie with a warm feeling in her heart.

Later that day, as Elsie was preparing dinner, she noticed something strange. The flowers in her garden, which were normally quite ordinary, were now blooming with the most dazzling colors she had ever seen. The red roses glowed like embers, the yellow daisies shone like tiny suns, and the bluebells shimmered like sapphires. Elsie, filled with wonder, realized that the little fairy had rewarded her kindness with a touch of magic.

From then on, Elsie's garden became a breathtaking sight, a testament to the magic that can bloom when kindness is shared. And every time Elsie saw the beauty of her enchanted garden, she would remember the little fairy and the gift of magic that came from her heart.