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Once upon a time, in a land where the sky was always blue and the sun always shone, lived a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to play in the meadows, where the grass was as green as emerald and the flowers bloomed in every colour of the rainbow.

One day, as Lily skipped through the fields, she noticed something magical. A giant rainbow arched over the meadow, its colours so bright they seemed to dance in the air. Curious, Lily followed the rainbow's path, her little heart filled with wonder.

She found a sparkling river flowing through the meadow, its water as clear as crystal. Lily dipped her toes in the cool water, giggling as the tiny fish tickled her feet. Following the river's gentle flow, Lily reached a secret clearing hidden deep in the meadow.

There, nestled amongst the flowers, was a little cottage made of gingerbread. Its roof was decorated with sugared plums and its windows shimmered with candy canes. Lily felt a warmth in her heart, knowing this was a place of magic and wonder.

As she approached the cottage, a friendly little gnome popped out, holding a plate of freshly baked cookies. "Welcome, little one," he said, his voice as sweet as honey. "We've been expecting you."

Lily spent the afternoon with the gnome, sharing cookies and stories about her adventures in the meadow. She learned that the rainbow was a magical bridge between the world of humans and the world of fairies, and the gnome was its guardian.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the meadow, it was time for Lily to go home. The gnome gave her a small, golden flower with a magical scent, a reminder of her special adventure. "Remember, Lily," he whispered, "the magic is always around you, if you just know where to look."

And with a wave of his hand, the gnome vanished, leaving Lily with a heart full of joy and a mind full of wonder. From that day on, Lily never forgot her magical journey to the rainbow meadow, and she always kept the golden flower close, a symbol of the magic that existed in the world, even in the most ordinary of places.