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Once upon a time, in a land where snow-capped mountains kissed the sky, lived a young skier named Finn. Finn loved to zoom down the slopes, his skis carving through the fresh powder. He wore a bright red jacket and a blue helmet, his goggles reflecting the sparkling snow. Every day, Finn would race down the mountain, feeling the wind in his hair and the joy in his heart.

One day, Finn was skiing down a particularly steep and snowy slope. He was going so fast, it was like flying! Suddenly, he saw a little snowman wobbling on the edge of the slope, his carrot nose almost falling off. "Oh dear," thought Finn, "I better help him!"

He swerved his skis, carefully avoiding the little snowman. He stopped right next to him and asked, "Are you okay, little snowman? You look like you're about to fall." The snowman, with a tiny smile on his coal-black face, replied, "I am alright, kind skier. But I'm feeling a bit lonely."

Finn smiled. "Well, that's easy to fix!" He grabbed his backpack, and inside, he found a little red scarf and a shiny button. "Here you go," Finn said, putting the scarf around the snowman's neck and the button on his chest. "Now you look even more handsome!" The snowman giggled with delight.

Finn skied down the mountain, happy to have made a new friend. He knew that even in the snowy mountains, there was always room for kindness and friendship.