Spring garden

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Once upon a time, in a meadow filled with sunshine, lived a little blue butterfly named Pip. Pip had the most beautiful wings, shimmering like sapphires in the warm light. He loved fluttering from flower to flower, sipping nectar and greeting his friends, the other butterflies.

One sunny morning, Pip saw a group of butterflies gathered around a giant, vibrant sunflower. The sunflower was so big, it looked like a tiny sun blooming in the meadow! The butterflies were buzzing excitedly, talking about a magical flower hidden deep in the meadow.

Pip, ever curious, decided to join the conversation. He learned that this magical flower had petals that could grant wishes! “If only I could find that flower,” Pip thought to himself, "I would wish for all the butterflies in the meadow to have wings as beautiful as mine!"

So, Pip set off on an adventure. He flew from flower to flower, asking each one if they knew where the magical flower was hiding. He met a pink butterfly with polka-dotted wings who told him to follow the path of yellow daisies. He met a striped butterfly who told him to look for the tallest dandelion in the meadow.

Finally, after a long journey, Pip reached a patch of vibrant purple flowers. There, in the very center, was a beautiful flower with petals as bright as rainbows. It was the magical flower!

With a flutter of excitement, Pip landed on the flower and whispered his wish. “I wish for all the butterflies in the meadow to have wings as beautiful as mine!”

Suddenly, the magical flower shimmered, and a bright light filled the meadow. Pip looked around in amazement. All the butterflies in the meadow were now shimmering with colors as bright and beautiful as his own!

Pip was so happy. He had made his wish come true, and the meadow was now full of beautiful, shimmering butterflies. He learned that sharing happiness is the best magic of all. And so, Pip spent the rest of the day flying with his friends, sharing their joy and the beauty of their wings.