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Once upon a time, on a sandy beach kissed by a golden sunset, lived a friendly crab named Coral. Coral was a happy crab, always eager to explore the beach and play with the waves. One day, Coral found a shiny, red surfboard washed up on the shore.

"Wow!" exclaimed Coral, "This is the perfect surfboard for me!"

He scurried onto the board and tried to ride the waves, but the board was too big and slippery for his tiny claws. He tumbled off, splashing into the water.

Just then, a wise old sea turtle named Shelly swam by.

"Why are you trying to surf on a board that's much too big for you?" Shelly asked, with a chuckle.

Coral, a little embarrassed, said, "I want to ride the waves like the surfers I see in the distance."

"Well," said Shelly, "it takes more than a big board to surf. You need to learn the rhythm of the waves and how to use your own strength to stay on top."

Coral thought about Shelly's words. He realized that he could have fun in the waves without a surfboard. He could simply use his own claws to paddle and ride the gentle waves.

Coral spent the rest of the day playing in the surf, learning to move with the waves and finding joy in the simple act of playing. As the sun began to set, Coral was happy and tired, but his heart was full of the joy of learning and discovering.

From that day on, Coral never again wished for a big surfboard. He knew that the best way to enjoy the waves was to use his own strengths and learn to move with the rhythm of the ocean. He learned that sometimes, the simplest things in life are the most fun!