Sunny Beach

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Once upon a time, on a beautiful beach kissed by the warm sun, lived a little crab named Coral. Coral was a happy crab, spending his days scampering along the soft sand, collecting colorful shells, and playing hide-and-seek with his friends, the seagulls.

One day, as the sun began to set, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink, Coral saw something sparkling in the distance. It was a tiny, glowing pearl, as bright as a star! Coral had never seen anything so beautiful.

Curious, Coral carefully crawled towards the shimmering pearl. As he got closer, he saw it wasn’t just a pearl; it was a tiny mermaid, trapped in a shell! She was no bigger than his thumb, with shimmering scales and a beautiful, long tail.

“Hello,” Coral said in his tiny crab voice. “Are you okay?”

The little mermaid smiled, her voice as sweet as a song. “I was playing with my friends when a big wave tossed me here. I can’t get out!”

Coral felt a pang of sympathy for the little mermaid. He knew he had to help. Using his strong claws, Coral gently pried open the shell. The little mermaid wriggled free, her tail shimmering in the golden light of the setting sun.

“Thank you, little crab!” she chirped. “You are a true friend!”

Coral blushed, feeling happy that he could help. He watched as the little mermaid, her tail sparkling like a thousand stars, disappeared into the waves, promising to return and tell Coral all about her magical underwater world.

From that day on, Coral was known throughout the beach as the brave crab who rescued a mermaid. He continued to collect shells, play with the seagulls, and look forward to the day when he would hear the mermaid’s enchanting story. The memory of the shimmering pearl and the little mermaid’s gratitude made his heart sing with joy.