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Once upon a time, in a meadow filled with bright flowers, lived a little tiger named Tige. Tige loved to play hide-and-seek among the tall grass. His stripes blended perfectly with the shadows of the leaves, making him almost invisible!

One sunny day, Tige was playing hide-and-seek with his friends. He scurried behind a bush of pink and orange flowers, giggling as he peeked out at his friends. "Where's Tige?" he whispered, his voice full of mischief.

Suddenly, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, and a beautiful butterfly fluttered past. Tige watched, mesmerized, as the butterfly danced from flower to flower. He forgot all about the game and followed the butterfly, his paws padding softly on the grass.

The butterfly led Tige through a secret path, past a stream that sparkled like a million diamonds, and into a hidden clearing. In the center of the clearing stood a giant, ancient oak tree with branches that reached towards the sky. And beneath the tree, was a sparkling, magical well!

Tige had never seen anything so beautiful before. He ran towards the well, his eyes wide with wonder. As he got closer, he heard a soft voice. "Hello, little tiger," the voice said. "I am the Well of Wishes. What is your wish?"

Tige looked at the well, his heart pounding with excitement. He had always dreamed of flying through the sky like a bird. So, he closed his eyes and whispered his wish to the Well of Wishes.

Suddenly, a warm feeling spread through his body. He opened his eyes and felt a tingling sensation in his paws. He looked at his paws and gasped! They were transforming into wings, strong and beautiful, with stripes of orange and black that matched his fur. Tige was a flying tiger!

With a joyful roar, Tige took to the sky, soaring above the meadow, the flowers and the trees. He flew high above the clouds, feeling the wind beneath his wings. He flew so high, he could see for miles and miles, the whole world spread out before him.

And Tige, the little tiger who had wished to fly, was finally free.