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Once upon a time, in a meadow full of bright flowers, lived a little turtle named Shelly. Shelly was a very slow turtle, and he often felt sad because he couldn’t keep up with the other animals.

One day, as Shelly was slowly making his way to the pond for a drink, he saw a bright red cape fluttering in the wind. He had never seen anything so beautiful! Curious, Shelly slowly walked towards the cape. As he got closer, he realized it was tied to a small, wooden stick.

"This is just what I need!" Shelly thought, his eyes sparkling. He carefully put on the cape, feeling a surge of confidence.

Suddenly, he felt different. He wasn't just Shelly the slow turtle anymore! He was Shelly, the super turtle! With his cape flowing behind him, Shelly took a deep breath and started walking. To his surprise, he felt much faster! He was like a speeding bullet!

Shelly raced through the meadow, dodging flowers and giggling with glee. He had never felt so happy and free! The other animals stopped in awe, watching the super turtle zoom past.

From that day on, Shelly, the once slow turtle, became a legend in the meadow. He used his newfound speed to help his friends, and everyone loved him for his bravery and kindness. He learned that even a slow turtle can be a hero, with a little bit of magic and a lot of heart.