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High atop a mountain, under a sky sprinkled with twinkling stars, lived a brave little wolf named Luna. Luna loved the night. It was her favorite time to howl at the big, bright moon. She'd stand on her rocky perch, her fur as dark as midnight, and let out a long, lonely howl that echoed through the valleys.

One night, as Luna sang her moon song, she heard a tiny voice. "What a beautiful song!" it chirped.

Luna looked down and saw a little firefly, glowing like a tiny star. "Thank you," she said, her voice rumbling like distant thunder. "My name is Luna."

"I'm Spark," the firefly said, blinking its light in greeting. "Why are you so sad?"

Luna sighed. "My howl is lonely. I wish I had someone to sing with."

Spark fluttered closer. "You know, there are other wolves who live in the mountains. Maybe they'd like to howl with you!"

Luna's eyes lit up. She'd never thought about that! With Spark leading the way, she set off to find the other wolves. They climbed through moonlit forests and across silvery streams, finally reaching a clearing where a pack of wolves gathered.

Luna took a deep breath and howled, her voice joining with the others. It was a symphony of howls, a chorus of moonlit harmony, and the mountain echoed with their song.

From then on, Luna was never lonely again. She sang with her pack under the watchful eye of the moon, her howl no longer a mournful song, but a joyous celebration of friendship and the magic of the night.